Here you will find some programs that I've developed or helped develop. They are all free and most include source code.
2015-May-22: FLV Extract 1.6.5 released.
2015-Jan-10: MPEG4 Modifier 1.4.6 released.
MPEG4 Modifier
- Modifies MPEG4-ASP AVIs (aspect ratio, userdata, packed bitstream) without re-encoding.
Download: v1.4.6 (Binary and Source)

Modifies MPEG-4 ASP videos (XviD, DivX) without re-encoding (change aspect ratio, edit userdata, remove or add packed bitstream, and change interlaced field order). It can also show information about the video such as the amount of I/P/S/B-VOPs used, whether or not QPel/GMC were used, etc. The video must be in an AVI container. More information can be found in
this thread. There's also a
command line version sharing most of the same features.
NOTE: Aspect ratio modification works by changing a flag in the VOL headers, which is ignored by most decoders.
1.4.6 (2015-Jan-10):
- Marked as system DPI aware to fix blurry UI with high DPI settings.
- Changed license to MIT (was GPL v2).
1.4.5 (2012-Sep-02):
- Ability to export custom quantization matrix to .cqm file.
- Fixed window layout with high DPI settings.
- Supports loading on .NET 4.x runtime (not required; still 2.0 compatible).
Full Change Log
CUE Tools
- Converts between different audio CUE sheet styles.
- A Winamp plugin that separates stereo audio into side and center channels.
Download: v1.4.0 (Binary and Source)
A Winamp plugin that separates stereo audio into side and center channels. It's based on the "center cut" filter from
VirtualDub. The algorithm's author, Avery Lee, describes it as follows:
The classic "vocal cut" filter, except that the output is stereo instead of mono. This is accomplished through FFT phase analysis; the output will have some warbling in it, but stereo separation is preserved.
To use it, copy dsp_centercut.dll into your Winamp\Plugins directory and restart Winamp. Then go into Winamp's Preferences (CTRL+P) in the DSP/Effect Plug-ins section. Select "Center Cut v1.4.0" in the list, and you will see these options in the drop-down list below:
- Center Cut - Sides: Removes the 'center' channel (whatever is in both the left and right channels).
- Center Cut - Center: Keeps only the 'center' channel.
- Center Cut - Sides (Bass to Sides): Removes the 'center' channel, except for bass.
- Center Cut - Center (Bass to Sides): Keeps only the 'center' channel, except for bass.
- Classic Vocal Remover: This is simply the difference between the left and right channels ((L-R)/2). Not very interesting compared to the other modes, but I included it for comparison.
1.4.0 (2007-Jul-19):
- Option to put bass in side channels, useful if your goal is vocal removal.
- Improved workaround for Winamp's threading bugs.
Full Change Log
Known issues: The buffer isn't cleared when the audio is stopped playing, so the next song you play will have a small bit of the previous song at the beginning.
FLV Input Plugin
- An input plugin for VirtualDub that allows it to open FLV files.
- Compresses video from an AviSynth script using any VFW codec.
Download: v1.39 (Binary and Source)
Command line program that compresses video from an AviSynth script using any VFW codec. Developed by Christophe Paris, David Leatherdale, int21h, and Moitah.
1.39 (2004-Jul-06):
- Destination file is now closed immediately after encoding, the XviD status window can be left open without keeping the file unfinished/locked.
- Changed the way the last frames are flushed when using b-frames, the last frame may be better quality if it is a b-frame.
- XviD status window is now closed when encoding is stopped by Ctrl+C.
- Fixed deadlock when stopping with Ctrl+C.
Full Change Log
- Allows almost any program to be minimized to the system tray by right clicking its minimize button.
Download: v4.3 (Binary and Source)
Allows almost any program to be minimized to the system tray by right clicking its minimize button. Originally written by
Nikolay Redko.
4.3 (2011-Oct-30):
- Hide windows instead of minimizing and hiding.
- Hide windows even if they're already in the tray.
- Fix "Close Window" for Explorer windows.
4.2 (2011-Jun-24):
- Improve ability to minimize certain programs.
4.1 (2010-May-08):
- Unified mouse hook procedure improves reliability and fixes small minimize target with XP theming.
- Fixed tooltip overflow for long window captions.
4.0 (2010-May-06):
- Alternative mouse hook procedure for Windows Vista/7 Aero compatibility.
- Fixed 64-bit compatibility and created 64-bit compiles.
- Removed window menu additions (e.g. Minimize in tray, Always on top), hotkey, and keyboard indicator.
- Dropped Windows 9x support.
- Tray icon tooltip can display Unicode characters.
- Removes tray icon automatically if a program shows itself or exits.
- Fixed problem when minimizing Office 2007 windows.
- Won't minimize MDI child windows.
- Other small fixes and reorganized code.
- Converts between Windows, Unix, and Mac style line ends.
Download: v2.0.0 (Binary and Source)

Just drop files on it to convert the line ends. "Remove duplicate line ends" is useful for files that have multiple line ends on every line because of bad FTP transfer.
WARNING: It will overwrite any files dropped, so be careful! It will corrupt non-text files.
2.0.0 (2005-Oct-06):
- Rewritten in C#.
- Supports dropping of folders. It will convert all files inside (including inside subfolders).
- Warns about overwriting files. You can turn this off by editing the config file.
- A timer/scheduler for VirtualDub capture.
Download: v1.0.4 (Binary and Source)

A timer/scheduler for VirtualDub capture. After you have added items to the schedule, make sure VirtualDub is running in capture mode, and check "Enable Timer". VDTimer will start the capture by pressing F6, and stop it by pressing Esc. It also automatically renames the capture file (it checks before starting and after finishing). The schedule is saved to disk when exiting, and reloaded upon next run.
NOTE: VDTimer wasn't designed to work with VirtualDub's "multisegment capture" or "autoincrement filename after capture" options.
1.0.4 (2015-Mar-15):
- DPI scaling fixes.
- Supports loading on .NET 4.x runtime (not required; still 2.0 compatible).
- Changed license to MIT (was GPL v2).
Rotate Calculator
- Calculates the amount of rotation necessary to align two points perfectly horizontal or vertical.
Download: v1.0.0 (Binary and Source)

I use this for correcting my scans. Pick 2 points on a line (preferably far away for better accuracy) and whether the line is horizontal or vertical, and click Calculate.
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